Yay for another week! Can't believe I am 32 weeks and 2 days today! Yesterday was a very very long day at the hospital. I was there for 6 hours! I got there for my NST on labor and delivery and the babies behaved and did so well! While I was hooked up I had about 7 contractions, I could feel them but it just felt like my belly tightening, not painful. The nurse called Dr. McKee a few times and he said he wasn't concerned about them if they weren't painful but wanted the nurse to check me to make sure they weren't changing my cervix. She checked me and my cervix is still closed and high up there, thank you Jesus! So I was able to be released to go upstairs for my regular doctors appointment. They were extremely busy yesterday! My blood pressure was good and I gained 2 pounds. We waited for ultrasound for an hour and 20 minutes, yikes! We had our growth scan yesterday and the babies have certainly grown!!! Alyssa is weighing in at 4lb 9oz and Garrett is weighing in at 4lb 7 oz!!!! Some good sized babies! I don't know why people constantly tell me I don't look like I am carrying twins, that's 9 lbs of baby!!! I guess cause I am tall and carry it differently! I saw Dr. McKee and he went on and on about how impressed he is with the babies growth. Makes me feel proud of my sweet babies! He asked if I was feeling uncomfortable and I said yes but not in the sense he would think I was uncomfortable. It's my legs that have been absolutely killing me! I showed him my legs and he said wow, we need to get an ultrasound to make sure you don't have a blood clot! My left leg is a ton more swollen than the right leg and it hurts so incredibly bad I can barely walk. I had to go down stairs to ultrasound and they scanned both legs very thoroughly and they did not see a blood clot, yay! However, they saw that my uterus is compressing the vessels and is causing the blood flow to be very very sluggish and unfortunately won't get better till after the babies come. :( so no relief for my legs so I will be keeping them elevated and resting as much as possible! They scheduled my c section yesterday which gives us a date to look forward to and count down to, the doctor said he doesn't think I will make it to that date though! Garrett is still breech so that's why we scheduled a c section! We go back to doctor on Thursday! My step dad finished the awesome boards to go above their cribs and will be hanging them tomorrow so the nursery reveal will be this weekend so stay tuned for that! It is so cute and I just love it! We are getting beyond excited to meet Alyssa and Garrett and it is becoming more and more real! There is 19 days till our next goal of 35 weeks and 32 days till I'm 37 weeks! That's not long at all!
How big are the babies this week? Since we had our growth scan, we know they are 4lb 9oz and 4lb 7oz!! They are around 18 inches long according to the apps.
What are the babies up to this week? This week they are continuing to pack on the pounds and fat so that they can maintain their own temperature after delivery. They are also sucking their thumbs a lot to prepare for breathing and eating!
Maternity clothes? Uh yes, for sure!!!
Stretch marks? Still haven't gotten any stretch marks yet but knock on wood! There is still plenty of time for those to appear though! My skin has been itching all over so incredibly bad, had to take a Benadryl the other night cause it was so bad!
Sleep? Sleep is still hit or miss. Last night I slept great but some nights I wake up every hour and hardly sleep at all. Still sleeping in the bed though! It is the most comfortable with all the pillows I use!
Swelling? Oh yeah! My feet were pitting the other day after wearing my shoes so don't make fun of me for wearing flip flops from now on! My face hasn't swelled anymore but my hands swell everyday!
Cravings? Not really. Still wanting a pumpkin spice latte and some pumpkin munchkins from Dunkin donuts lol!
Miss anything? Oh just being able to walk without feeling like knives were stabbed into them! Haha
Looking forward to? My moms sweet bible study group is giving me a diaper and wipes shower tonight and I am going to share my testimony of Gods faithfulness with these babies! These ladies have been praying with us the whole time! Also looking forward to actually resting this week and not having to do anything since we finally got my hospital bag and the babies bag packed and the nursery all done!
Praying specifically for? Always praying for the babies to continue to grow like they should and for them to stay healthy! Praying that we can make it to 37 weeks or a gestation that is safe for the babies and no Nicu time would be required! (Yes I'm a Nicu nurse but I would prefer that my coworkers not meet them in the Nicu haha)! Praying for no pregnancy related complications!
So happy we have another week to cook them longer and let those lungs continue to mature! We know God has gotten us this far and He continue to get us farther! We feel so incredibly blessed and thank everyone so much for their continued prayers! God is sooooo good!!!!
How big are the babies this week? Since we had our growth scan, we know they are 4lb 9oz and 4lb 7oz!! They are around 18 inches long according to the apps.
What are the babies up to this week? This week they are continuing to pack on the pounds and fat so that they can maintain their own temperature after delivery. They are also sucking their thumbs a lot to prepare for breathing and eating!
Maternity clothes? Uh yes, for sure!!!
Stretch marks? Still haven't gotten any stretch marks yet but knock on wood! There is still plenty of time for those to appear though! My skin has been itching all over so incredibly bad, had to take a Benadryl the other night cause it was so bad!
Sleep? Sleep is still hit or miss. Last night I slept great but some nights I wake up every hour and hardly sleep at all. Still sleeping in the bed though! It is the most comfortable with all the pillows I use!
Swelling? Oh yeah! My feet were pitting the other day after wearing my shoes so don't make fun of me for wearing flip flops from now on! My face hasn't swelled anymore but my hands swell everyday!
Cravings? Not really. Still wanting a pumpkin spice latte and some pumpkin munchkins from Dunkin donuts lol!
Miss anything? Oh just being able to walk without feeling like knives were stabbed into them! Haha
Looking forward to? My moms sweet bible study group is giving me a diaper and wipes shower tonight and I am going to share my testimony of Gods faithfulness with these babies! These ladies have been praying with us the whole time! Also looking forward to actually resting this week and not having to do anything since we finally got my hospital bag and the babies bag packed and the nursery all done!
Praying specifically for? Always praying for the babies to continue to grow like they should and for them to stay healthy! Praying that we can make it to 37 weeks or a gestation that is safe for the babies and no Nicu time would be required! (Yes I'm a Nicu nurse but I would prefer that my coworkers not meet them in the Nicu haha)! Praying for no pregnancy related complications!
So happy we have another week to cook them longer and let those lungs continue to mature! We know God has gotten us this far and He continue to get us farther! We feel so incredibly blessed and thank everyone so much for their continued prayers! God is sooooo good!!!!
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