YAYYYY!!!! I made it to 30 weeks!!! Thanks be to Jesus! Next goal is 35 weeks! Only 47 days till I'm 37 weeks. WHAT??? That is seriously not far away! If you cant tell by the pic, my belly has grown a lot in the last week! I can tell a big difference looking at the previous belly pics. I went to my scheduled doctor appointment today with Dr. McKee and everything is looking great. My belly is measuring 38 weeks now!!! No wonder Im feeling like a giant balloon! haha! I finally gained some weight since being on this diet for my blood sugar. My blood pressure was perfect at 100/60. Iron level was still good also. Had an ultrasound (didn't get any pictures) and both babies fluid levels are good. Alyssa is still vertex (head down) and Garrett is still breech (head up). They will probably stay this way until delivery since they are running out of room so looks like a c section is for sure in my future. The tech was able to see that Alyssa has some hair and Garrett doesn't have any hair that she could see. Dr. McKee said everything looks great and I didn't have to have the NST today since I haven't had any contractions all week and I am feeling both babies move a ton! I will start the weekly NST's next Thursday (10/9) along with weekly ultrasounds and doctor visits. The only downer was I have to start an oral blood sugar medication twice a day (Glyburide) because most all of my fasting blood sugars are over 100. My meal time blood sugars have been good but since the fasting sugars are high he wants to treat them. Hopefully it will help and not lower my blood sugars too low.
In other news, I had my baby tea this past Sunday and everything turned out so great! The decorations were so cute and the food was delicious! I really appreciate all those who helped make it perfect and those who came out to celebrate with us! It was such a special day. I walked in and got so emotional! We felt so blessed by all the wonderful gifts for Alyssa and Garrett.
I finally finished working this past Tuesday so from here on out, I will be resting and nesting and going to weekly doctors visits! Its been fun organizing the nursery but Im having to do it in waves cause my back get to aching. The bedding was suppose to be ready tomorrow but the lady said she is running a week behind due to her mother in law being very sick so hopefully we will have it next Friday! So ready to see the nursery all put together!
How big are the babies this week? Im guessing they are around 3 1/2 pounds this week and 16-17 inches long based on their rate of growing so far.
What are the babies up to this week? The babies are starting to shed their fur (lanugo) and put on fat at a rapid pace. According to the apps, the start to put on about a 1/2 pound a week now, not sure how accurate that is for twins though.
Maternity clothes? YES! Hopefully what I have will fit until they come!
Stretch marks? Still no stretch marks and I had Keith inspect since I cant see the lower part of my belly anymore and he didn't see any either! That PUPP rash continues but seems to be a bit better!
Sleep? Still waking up frequently throughout the night to either pee, change positions, get water or wake up chocking because the acid reflux has gotten so bad (I take Prilosec, too)!
Swelling? Its not worse by any means but there is some mild swelling of my face, hands and feet and is made worse when im on my feet for long periods of time!
Signs of labor? Not at all! Thank you Jesus!
Cravings? I have been craving milk a lot lately and caramels. There is only 4 grams of carbs in 1 soft caramel so ive been having 1 after dinner!
Miss Anything? Cant say that I miss anything right now. I am just enjoying these last few weeks of pregnancy and resting as much as possible!
Looking forward to? My work baby shower is tomorrow so I'm looking forward to that and seeing everyone! Keith's work is throwing us a shower on Oct. 15 and that is just too sweet so I'm looking forward to that and meeting all his coworkers.
Praying specifically for? Praying that me and the babies continue to do well and that we can keep them cooking until 37 weeks. Praying that my blood pressure remains normal and no PIH develops. Praying that these next few weeks will go by fast and that we will soon be meeting and holding our sweet miracle babies!
We give God all the glory for these miracle babies and that so far my pregnancy has been smooth. We cant wait to meet Alyssa and Garrett! God is soooooo good!!!!
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