I'm a little late with the 31 week post.... This past week has been pretty busy! Since the last post, everything has been great with the babies. I had my work shower last Friday and it turned out so well, I really appreciate my sweet coworkers for blessing our sweet babies! As many of you may know, my husband and I are HUGE Alabama fans. Usually, if we aren't playing well or the game is too close for comfort it literally makes me sick and beyond stressed out. This year, I refuse to let a football game send me into preterm labor so I've been good. After we lost to Ole Miss this past weekend I thought my husband would pout and be all moody but he didn't pout or become moody! He said something that was just so cute and shows how much we both have grown in regards to Alabama football... He said "this isn't going to be the year we lost to ole miss, this is the year we are having twins!" Exactly!!! We are having twins in 6 weeks or less! How can anything else compare to that? It is just too exciting to let anything bring us down and God has blessed us abundantly with the desires of our hearts after a grueling 7 year battle with infertility! Ahhhh, God is so good!
So yesterday was a big day! I had my first NST down in labor and delivery. I was nervous before the test because I've never had one before and really didn't know what to expect but thankfully the babies did great! Dr. McKee said it looked beautiful! I did have 2 contractions during the test but they weren't regular or painful and he said that was normal at this point since my uterus thinks I'm full term. I went upstairs to Dr. McKee's office after the test was over and my blood pressure, blood sugar and iron levels were great. Had an ultrasound and fluid levels in the babies were both good and he said to keep on keeping on and I will come back again on Thursday next week and we will do the exact same thing except next week we will have a growth scan to see how big the babies are! I can't wait for that! After my doctors appointment, we finally got to pick up the babies bedding!!!! It is soooo cute! I absolutely love it! I'm going to post a separate nursery reveal post next week with pics. My step dad is finishing these things he is making to go above their cribs and then the nursery will be complete so I'm just waiting on those before I post pics! It is really starting to come together and feel real! We are going to have babies in a few weeks! That is just so surreal and crazy to me! 39 days left till I'm 37 weeks! That's not long at all!! Praying we can make it that long or close to that!
How big are the babies now? We have our growth scan next week so we will know for sure then, but according to the apps they should be around 3 1/2 lbs and around 18 inches long. Big babies!
What are the babies up to this week? They are beginning their final preparations for delivery, as all 5 senses are now developed! They continue to pack on the fat, which will help them stay warm in the real world and their brain and nerves continue to develop!
Maternity clothes? Well yeah, however I did rock a dress and shirt that wasn't maternity this past week!
Stretch marks? Still no stretch marks! It ain't over till it's over so I'm not counting them out yet.
Sleep? Sleep is touch and go. I wake up multiple times a night either to itch my legs or belly, go to the bathroom, or get some water. Rolling over in the bed has become quite the challenge! Haha!
Swelling? The swelling continues towards the end of each day or if I'm outside and it's hot. Mostly in my face, hands, and feet/ankles. Nothing that is severe or bad and it's always gone if I lay down and rest!
Cravings? Anything pumpkin! My mother in law made these homemade pumpkin spice cupcakes last weekend and they were seriously amazing and yes my blood sugar did good with them! Wish I had some more, lol!
Miss anything? I miss being able to indulge in all the yummy fall treats! Like candy apples and pumpkin spice lattes and pumpkin scones! Ok I'm gonna stop before I get upset and make a bad judgement decision! Haha
Looking forward to? This coming week Keith's work is throwing us a baby shower and that is just so sweet of them! Looking forward to meeting his coworkers! Alyssa and Garrett are truly some blessed babies!
Praying specifically for? Praying daily that the babies continue to grow appropriately and that their will be no complications with them or with me. Praying we can make it to 37 weeks!
Thankful for another week they are able to be cooking and growing! We feel so blessed and we know it's all because of such a good God!
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