Monday, March 17, 2014

FET: a quick update

I haven't updated you guys in a while so I just wanted to write a quick update since everyone keeps asking me what's going on in the process, haha! Not much has happened since my last post. I am taking a 2mg estrogen pill twice a day and will continue to do so. I go this Wednesday for an ultrasound to check my uterine lining. It needs to be .8 in order to proceed with the transfer. If the uterine lining is thick enough, I will start the dreaded progesterone shots on Thursday night and the embryo transfer will be either Monday the 24th or Tuesday the 25th. I will know the exact day this Wednesday so be on the lookout for another blogpost. Until then, continue to pray and believe with us for a miracle or two! :) God is good!

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