Friday, March 28, 2014


I wanted to let you all know what's been going on since the transfer. I get a lot of texts and messages asking me how I feel so I wanted to let the blog readers know how I feel! dp5dt means days post a 5 day transfer. My embryo was 5 days old when it was frozen so that's why it's considered a 5 day transfer. Today I am 4dp5dt.

1dp5dt: pinching sensation on the left side of my uterus that was very noticeable and lasted about 15-20 seconds. Also had some low back pain.

2dp5dt: felt very bloated and had some light twinges and light cramps throughout the day.

3dp5dt: woke up and had sore boobs (sorry, tmi) and had a low grade temp (99.3) in the afternoon.

4dp5dt: had a dream last night I was pregnant with twins. Feel absolutely nothing, feel completely normal

Everything I listed can be due to the progesterone shots or the estrogen pills I am taking so I'm not saying any of this is a good or bad thing. I will say that I haven't been anxious at all so far and remain at peace about this cycle. Maybe that's a good thing :)  I will continue to keep you all posted! Thank you for your prayers and continue to pray and believe with us for our miracle babies! We will know very soon!!!

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