Thursday, January 23, 2014


So today I am 3dp5dt which means 3 days post a 5 day old embryo transfer. The time is ticking no doubt but ticking slowly! The question I have received frequently is "how are you feeling?" So I figured I would do a quick blog post to post how I'm feeling so far. Up to this point I have felt completely normal so far. No "symptoms" to note thus far. Last cycle at this stage in the waiting I was having cramps and was super emotional. So maybe that's a good thing I'm not having any of that at this time, maybe it means nothing at all. After all, I am receiving progesterone injections daily so it can make a woman feel all kinds of things including pregnancy like symptoms so there is no telling what it what at this point. All I can do is remain relaxed, calm and patient. Yeah that's not so easy, haha! I remain prayerful and cautiously optimistic as the waiting continues and hope the time starts ticking a little faster! Is it Wednesday yet??? :)

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