Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Im PUPO!!!


This pic was right before we went back for the embryo transfer! We got back in the procedure room and the embryologist, Dr. Honea, and ultrasound tech were all present. The embryologist went over which embryos were of the best quality today and Dr. Honea agreed and we transferred the 2 of the best quality. The transfer itself was a piece of cake, I didn't feel a thing. However, they did give me a Valium to relax so maybe that helped, lol! After the transfer, Dr. Honea wanted to pray for us so we all held hands and Dr. Honea said a beautiful prayer, I cried! I had to lay on the stretcher for about 20 minutes afterward. I had acupuncture done before and after the transfer to help me stay relaxed. Here is a picture of our 2 beautiful embryo's that are now safe and snug in my uterus!
So now I am officially PUPO which means pregnant until proven otherwise!!!! WOOHOO!! I will be resting and staying off my feet a lot today and tomorrow! My pregnancy test is a scheduled blood test at the clinic at the end of next week. We will tell our families and then announce on the blog the results regardless of positive or negative. So stay tuned and pray for those sweet embryo's to implant and grow!!! We are both just so excited and filled with hope and belief that God will give us the desires of our hearts!

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