Sunday, October 13, 2013

This week in review

I wanted to recap the timeline of everything going on this week since we start everything this week! I cant believe its here! Time to make a baby or 2 :)

Monday (10/14): Spa day for me to relax! WOOHOO!
Tuesday (10/15): Stop taking BC pills
Wednesday (10/16): Sperm anlysis and freeze for the egg retrieval day and suppression check which includes several labs and an ultrasound. Having acupuncture done also.
Thursday-Saturday: enjoy my last few days without having mass hormones floating around in my body :)
Sunday (10/20): Start injections: (225iu Follistim and 75iu Menopur) will take in PM in 1 shot

I will make a post on Wednesday to update on how everything went at our appointment. Just beyond ready to get off of these bc pills and start the real process! Seems like I have been taking these pills for forever! They have made my face break out and my emotions all over the place so im over these things! haha Im sure I will be saying the same thing about the shots and other things...the shots make you VERY bloated so if you see me out in public and I look pregnant, I'm not(yet), just bloated! :) Here comes all the fun! We are continuing to pray for Gods will and blessings and believing for our miracle baby! God is GOOD and FAITHFUL! So here's to the start of something amazing!


  1. Ready for your miracles Lord!!

  2. So exciting that it's time to get this started!! I'm so glad you're taking some time for yourself to relax! You need and deserve it!! -Katie
