Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Done Cooking!

The Follicles are done cooking!!! WOOHOO! Prasie GOD! So I met all the criteria with follicle size, uterine lining and lab work today which means its time to retrieve the eggs! My estrogen level today was 822 and progesterone 0.3. My uterine lining is nice and thick at 1.02cm (it needs to be at least 0.8). So tonight at 10:00pm I will take 15,000iu of HCG shot which will trigger the follicles to release the eggs (the eggs are inside the follicles). The picture above is a pic of my ovary with all the follicles on it (the follicles are the black circles). Sorry if this is somewhat detailed and over your head but many people like to know all the small details :). The retrieval is scheduled for 10:00am on Thursday morning.... we have to be there at 8:30am for prep. Tomorrow not much will happen except I have to take a Fleets Enema tomorrow night to clean out everything....yeah, thats going to be a whole lot of fun!!! hahaha! I also can only eat a light dinner and I have to drink 16oz of water before bedtime and then nothing to eat or drink after midnight. When I arrive at the clinic on Thursday morning they will start an IV and give IV antibitoics and I will have versed and fentanyl to knock me out for the procedure! The way they obtain the eggs is by needle aspiration through the vaginal wall....I know, ouch!!!! The Doctor will aspirate the fluid on every follicle on my ovary and we hope there is an egg inside each of the follicles. However, there will probably not be an egg in every single one of the follicles so thats why you want to have as many follicles as possible. They will fertilize the sperm and egg on Thursday by injecting the sperm into each egg (thats called ICSI)....We wont know how many eggs actually fertilized until Friday. Then, the eggs that fertilize will grow in a petri dish and must grow into embryos. I will go back on Tueday (a week from today) and have the embryo transfer, which is where they will transfer either 1 or 2 embryos into my uterus and it will be the little ebryos job to stick and implant in my uterus. If that take place I will be pregnant! This is a very detailed process and there will be lots of updates between now and then so check back frequently for updates! I will update on Thursday and let everyone know how many eggs they actually retrieve and how everything went. Continue to be praying for us and that my eggs are healthy and mature and we get some good fertilized eggs!

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