Monday, October 28, 2013

Egg Retrieval Thursday

I went this morning for another ultrasound and blood work. Today is day 9 of stims! My follicles have certainly grown a lot since the last ultrasound. The biggest 2 follicles are measuring at 1.9cm (they are considered mature at 1.8cm). I had several measuring at 1.8cm, some at 1.7, 1.6, and 1.5cm. Everything is looking great still. My estrogen is now at 654 and progesterone at 0.4. (those numbers are good)! I will take the follistim, menopur and ganirelix injections tonight and go back in the morning for another ultrasound and blood work. If everything looks good in the am I will take the HCG shot which will trigger those follicles to release the egg tomorrow night and have the egg retrieval on Thursday morning! AHHHH! I cant believe its almost here! The time is flying by so fast! God is showing Himself faithful in even the small things during this IVF cycle. My prayer everyday is that His timing is perfect and that He will show His faithfulness in every detail of this cycle! I am excited at this point but Im sure I will get nervous as we get closer to Thursday. The egg retrieval and prep for egg retrieval is pretty detailed so I will post about it tomorrow when I know officially. Continue to pray for us and thanks so much for the prayers thus far! We certainly feel them and know God is in this 100%.

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