Wednesday, June 18, 2014

15 weeks!

Today is officially 15 weeks! I have been busy with doctors appointments the last 2 days, yesterday I had 1 and 2 today. Today I went to high risk OB for the 2nd trimester screen blood work which rules out neural tube defects. They will call with those results, I forgot to ask when that will be. I also went to my regular OB, Dr. McKee. This visit was shorter than the last but still long.....was there for 2 hours today! We had an ultrasound and both babies are looking great! Both babies heads were down and their heart rates were 151 and 148. They didn't measure how big they were but they were both moving around like crazy. Garrett had his hand at his mouth like he does every time we see him, haha! Dr. McKee met with us and we will be having our anatomy/target ultrasound with UAB sometime between 18-20 weeks, they are suppose to call and set that appointment up with me this week. He wants to see me again in 3 weeks this time since we are getting further along and there is 2 so we will go back on July 8. I have only gained 1 pound since my last visit 4 weeks ago.... hopefully since my appetite is getting better now I can start putting on the pounds. He measured my belly just for fun to see how big it is and I am measuring 22 weeks. They don't do that routinely for twins since there is 2 in there but I just was curious how big my belly really is measuring, He said by the time I am between 28-30 weeks I will be measuring 40 weeks! Yikes!
This is Alyssa! :)

This is Garrett with his hand at his face :)

How big are the babies now? About 4.5 inches from head to bottom and about 2-3 oz. They are now about the size of a navel orange or a hass avacodo!

What are the babies up to this week? They are busy moving amniotic fluid through the nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in the lungs begin to develop. Their legs are now growing longer than their arms and are moving all over the place. The taste buds are forming and they can now sense light even though their eyes are fused shut right now.

Maternity clothes? Yep. Went and bought a new outfit yesterday. Dang maternity clothes are expensive, even on sale!

Stretch Marks? Not yet. Continuing the cocoa butter and vitamin E oil daily!

Sleep? Still sleeping good although my back and sides are sore in the morning and its hard to sleep too late. Cant sleep on my belly anymore! :(

Sickness? I go about 5-7 days and then I throw up still. I woke up at 1am Saturday night and had some bad heartburn and took some tums and by the time I had swallowed them, I got sick...twice.

Miss Anything? I miss being able to stand on my feet for a while and them not ache haha!

Feeling movement yet? Nothing that is consistent. I was laying in bed the night before last and thought I felt some twitches that might have been the babies but I haven't felt it again. Cannot wait to feel them!!!!!!!

Swelling? Not that I can tell. Still able to wear my wedding rings. My feet hurt at the end of the work day but I wouldn't call them swollen just yet.

Cravings? Nothing new or weird. Just want milk all the time and any food that goes with it like cereal or cookies.

Food Aversions? Im getting better with the meat aversion. I am attempting to try steak tonight which was the first meat that made me sick during pregnancy. I was able to eat chicken a few times this week.

Looking forward to? We are going to register this Saturday and looking forward to it although I feel like its going to overwhelm me and make me very tired!

Praying specifically for? That both babies continue to grow like they should and be healthy and that I would be able to work as long as I can and make it to 37 weeks!

Thanks for following our journey! God is soooooo good and give Him all the glory for these miracles!!!!!

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