Woohoo for making it to 28 weeks, the last and final trimester!!! That means we have 9 weeks to go!!! I just can't believe it, it is just flying by! Before we know it, they will be here and those sleepless nights will be taking place! So I had my regular scheduled appointment today with Dr. McKee. My iron level was 13.4 which is much higher than it has been so I was glad for that! My blood pressure was 110/68 and I actually lost weight this time. I'm sure it is due to this new diet for gestational diabetes. Dr. McKee had me call the dietician to see if she could figure out how I'm going to gain weight without going up on the amount of carbs I'm eating too much. I honestly don't think my sugars can tolerate me eating too many more carbs than I'm eating now. She did suggest me eating 1 or 2 more snacks a day and eating more protein and fats. We finally had our growth scan today and both babies were being super active, Garrett more than Alyssa. Both babies continue to weigh and measure the same which is just wonderful! They both are weighing in at 2 lb 13 oz a piece which is the 61% percentile. Dr. McKee raved about how good this is for twins and that they are having no problems growing which is such a blessing! When the doctor saw me he noticed immediately that my face looks swollen.... :( I've had several people tell me that in the last 2 weeks. He told me to rest as much as I could and keep my feet up! He said he is surprised my BP was so good with how swollen my face looked and also that I didn't have any protein in my urine. I am praying I don't get PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension). I only have 3 more scheduled shifts left to work but he said not to work them if I'm not feeling like it. I go back to the doctor OCT 2 and that's when I start weekly visits and weekly NST's (non stress test) down in L&D. Very thankful for another good visit and so blessed God has gotten us this far and everyone is healthy!
How big are the babies this week? Ultrasound confirms both babies are 2lbs 13oz!! I don't know what their length is but according to the apps they are around 16 inches.
What are the babies up to this week? Their adrenal glands are functioning and Alyssa's are secreting estrogen and Garrett's are secreting androgen. They are continuing to pack on the fat which will help them regulate their own body temp when they are born. They are continuing to rehearse for real life by dreaming, coughing, and practicing breathing! They are also becoming soooooo much more active and their movements are much stronger!
Maternity clothes? Yes of course! I am getting huge! :)
Stretch marks? No stretch marks yet. However, I've got a rash on my belly and it itches so unbelievably bad! I woke up 4 times last night itching my belly. Dr. McKee said he hopes I'm not getting PUPP's which is a pregnancy related rash that is very irritating due to the itchiness. He suggested I get some cortisone cream to try to help. I am also trying oatmeal baths. Anything for some itch relief.
Sleep? Sleep is about the same. I might actually sleep pretty good without the itching and having to go pee! Haha! I do toss back and forth a lot cause of the back, hip, and rib pain. It's all part of the wonderful experience, right?
Cravings? What are those??? Sigh.... The day after those babies are born I'm going to want Pastry Art baby bites and Krispy Kreme donuts! Haha!
Swelling? Yep. It's here! I mentioned above that my face is swollen. My hands swell too, so the wedding rings have come off already. My feet swell but not bad, right now at least.
Miss anything? I cant say I miss too much other than being able to eat what I want when I want! I love anything pumpkin and not being able to eat all the yummy fall treats is sad! :(
Signs of labor? No signs of labor. Still having occasional contractions but none are regular or painful.
Looking forward to? The maternity pictures should be ready by in the morning and I cant wait to see them! I will make a separate blog post for those! Hopefully my face doesn't look too swollen in them! My baby tea is in a week and a half and I cant wait! So excited! (see 26 week post for an invite if you would like to come celebrate with us)! My work baby shower is in 2 weeks and I cant wait for it either! Also looking forward to being off work for a good while!!
Praying specifically for? This week I am praying that the babies continue to grow like they have been and that I will not get PIH. Also praying that I will not go into preterm labor and that I can make it to 37 weeks!
Thank you for continuing to read the blog and following our journey. God has certainly been good to us and we give Him all the praise and glory! We know He continues to hold us in the palm of His hand and we are so thankful for His grace and mercy! God is sooooo good!!!! :)
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