Thursday, August 7, 2014

21 and 22 weeks

As you can see, the belly has really grown lately! I went to the doctor today for the 22 week check up. My iron level dropped to 9.9 from 12.7 so I have to start taking iron pills. Those babies are sucking everything from me :). My weight gain was good this time, only 4 pounds in 2 weeks which is perfect for twins they said. Had an ultrasound today but I didn't get any pictures, both babies were head down looking towards my spine so the tech said she couldn't get a good picture. Alyssa's heart rate was 150 and Garrett's was 155. They measured them today and they both weigh in at a whopping 1lb 3 oz which is the 51% percentile. Perfect for twins! They measured 22 weeks 6 days so they measured 5 days ahead! The doctor was super happy that they both weighed the same which is ideally what they want for twins! My belly is measuring 29 weeks this week! Dr. McKee said I was doing great but he highly emphasized me to stop working at 30 weeks, Keith and I talked about it and have decided it's what's best for me and the babies so 8 more weeks of work. It is becoming very hard to work, especially 12 hour shifts. I am wearing thigh high compression hose for my legs and feet and wearing a over the shoulder belly harness to help with back pain.. The amount of shear exhaustion I feel after working a 12 hour shift is crazy. I am also going to cut back to 8 hour shifts to help ease the discomfort. I go back to the doctor in 2 weeks and will have the gestational diabetes test done. I'm a little nervous about that! The nursery is coming along now. We ordered the bedding from Beckers Bedding in Homewood. She makes custom bedding. I cannot wait to see it all together and done, I think it's going to be soooo cute! It will be ready OCT. 3. When we get more progress done I will post pics of it :). We are so happy to have another good appointment and so thankful both babies are doing well and growing like they should! God is truly showing us His faithfulness and grace! Can't believe we are experiencing this real life miracle! God is soooo good!!! 

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