Wednesday, April 30, 2014

His faithfulness astounds me!

Today is 8 weeks!!!! Both babies continue to grow like they should and both babies heartbeats are beating so strong!!! The ultrasound tech wasn't there today so a nurse did the ultrasound and she didn't know how to measure their heartbeats so I don't have the exact number today. They are measuring 8 weeks and 3 days and 8 weeks and 1 day. So both babies are measuring ahead which is great for twins! 

We met with Dr. Honea for the last time today! It was a bittersweet appointment! She was so excited for us and she is so happy that everything looks so great with both babies! We have been with Dr. Honea for a long time and she has been so great to us. We are definitely going to miss her! 

The belly continues to grow!!! This past week heartburn has been fierce! Nausea has been bad but not as bad as last week. Although they did give me some Zofran and if does help a lot! Next appointment is a week from today. We graduate from the ART program in 2 weeks. That just means we will no longer go there anymore and we will go to the OB. First OB appointment is May 21 with Dr. McKee. It feels surreal to even be talking about graduating since we have been at the ART program for so long now. I might cry on our last time there! Haha! 

God continues to amaze us and we are just so humbled by his faithfulness and goodness! We continue to pray for healthy babies and awesome reports! Thanks for praying with us for our miracles!!! 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

God continues to Amaze us!

Today I am 7 weeks and 1 day!!!!! 

Went for another ultrasound this morning and I was a nervous wreck! I was dry heaving in the lobby bathroom! Haha! My devotion this morning was all about trusting God and don't get me wrong, I trust Him completely but my nerves still get the best of me. We saw both heartbeats just beating away this morning! What a beautiful picture to see! Such a relief! Baby A heartbeat is 147 and measuring 7 weeks 3 days. Baby B heartbeat is 150 and measuring 7 weeks 2 days. Both look perfect! Thank you Jesus!!!!!

As far as how I am feeling... The nausea is all day every day now and seems to be way worse in the evening and at night. I threw up last night for the first time. I was driving and ate a chick fil a chicken nugget and had to throw up in the chick fil a bag! Haha it was quite intersting! I hope I can still eat chick fil a again!!!!! I totally am happy to be having the nausea but it can definitely be rough at times! 

We are just so happy God has brought us this far and we are praying for continued blessings and that our sweet babies continue to grow perfectly and stay healthy! God is so goood!!!! Our next appointment is Wedneasay April 30th so stay tuned!!!! 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

We have 2 Heartbeats!!!!

We have 2 babies with 2 heartbeats!!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!!! I'm not going to lie, I was a nervous wreck this morning. Never had a heartbeat with my last pregnancy so that's why I was so nervous!!! So we are just so happy to have seen those precious heartbeats!! Baby A is measuring 6 weeks and 1 day and baby B is measuring 6 weeks 3 days. Baby A's heartbeat was 117 and baby B's heartbeat was 114! Everything looked great! I had some lab work done also but won't have those results until this afternoon. God is just soooo good and we are beyond thankful to Him for another good report and for 2 beautiful miracles! Next ultrasound is a week from today! Stay tuned!

Just got my lab work. Beta HCG level is >111,000. Progesterone is 51. Estrogen is 375!!! 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

6 weeks

Today I am 6 weeks! Can't believe I have been pregnant over 2 weeks now! As you can see in the picture... The bump has already made an appearance! I realize it's early but I read that's very common for woman carrying multiples and since there is 2 in there, I guess my uterus is stretching even more. I went ahead and got a few things at a maternity store yesterday! :) I wanted to do weekly updates to sorta journal how I am feeling each week. I will also update after each ultrasound and tomorrow is our next ultrasound! According to the what to expect app, our babies are the size of a sweet pea this week! I'm hoping to see that tomorrow! We should be able to see the heart beat tomorrow also. Going to be so nervous even though I know God has got this! 

-tired a good bit 
-hungry all the time 
-food aversions to anything with a lot of flavor (almost threw up at dinner last night after taking a bite out of the steak I ordered) 
-heartburn all the time 
-nausea when hungry 
-sore boobs 
-I am starving then when I eat I get full so fast and then feel sick 

That's about all I am having so far! Knock on wood.... I haven't thrown up yet but I hear that comes around the 6th week so we will see! I am just so overjoyed with God's blessings and can't thank Him enough for the miracles taking place inside me right now. We continue to pray for healthy babies and proper growth and anticipate seeing those beating hearts tomorrow! God is sooooo good! 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Ultrasound reveals.....

IT'S TWINS!!!!!!!!

Had our first ultrasound this morning at 8am and it showed there is 2!!!! Wow!!!! We are just so overjoyed! God is sooooo good!!! They are both measuring right on schedule! Everything looked great! We will go back for another ultrasound a week from today and should be able to see the heart beat!!! I am just in shock! Can't believe God has shown his double blessing to us!!!!! Thank you all for praying for us and with us! Please continue to pray they both grow appropriately and correctly!!! :) 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Beta is rising

Today was beta #2!! Went to clinic for more blood work to see if my beta HCG level has risen like it should! They want your beta number to double every 48-72 hours. My original beta number last Wednesday was 332. We had a guessing game going on to see who could guess what today's number would be! I guessed 2705, Keith and my mom guessed 2400 and my mother I law guessed 2855. She won cause she was the closest even though she wasn't really close! My beta today was 8,769!!!!!!!!!!! Holy moly!!!!! That's a doubling time of 30 hours! Incredible! No one thought it would be that high! The nurse was even impressed with the number! So because my beta is so good and so high they want to go ahead and do the first ultrasound this Thursday to see how many are in there!!!!! I'm so excited cause I was going to originally have to wait 9 more days! I will be 5 weeks tomorrow! Can you guess how many babies are in there? 1? 2? Dare I say 3??? Just because the number is so high doesn't automatically mean there is more than 1 but it's fun to speculate so tell me what your guess is and we will tally up the guesses and announce on Thursday after the ultrasound. Sometimes, they can't always see how many are there are on the first ultrasound so the number may change! God receives all the glory and He is just blowing my mind with His goodness and faithfulness! With my pregnancy 2 years ago, my beta never got over 1,105 so I'm just beyond happy that things are progressing well! Continue to pray with us and for that baby or babies that they continue to grow like they should! I will post Thursday after the ultrasound with a pic!! 😃😃😃😃😃

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Results-God is sooooo faithful!!!!!

The title says it all..... God is sooooo faithful! It's official, I AM PREGNANT!!!!!

The 3rd time is the charm!!!! This cycle has been different from the beginning. I have felt such a peace about this cycle all along and there have been so many signs that God has shown me this cycle that He was going to be true to his word and grant us the desires of our hearts! You know how they say "you just know" when you are pregnant, well I never really understood that but this cycle I just knew I was pregnant! All night Sunday night I dreamed I was pregnant so on Monday morning March 31, 2014 I decided I would take a home pregnancy test. I was waiting for Keith to leave for work so I could take the test. He was taking what seemed like forever to leave and my bladder was about to explode.... I mean I was literally in pain! He finally exits the bedroom and I pretended to be asleep and I got up and went to the bathroom and I pee'd on that stick. I looked down and immediately a second line appeared and it was not faint or light either. There was a real pink line present! OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH I shouted! There is a second line there! I said "Thank you Jesus" like 6 times and then busted out crying and immediately starting praying over those embryos inside me to stay with me and grow grow grow! My dogs came running in the bathroom all excited, it's like they knew! Haha! I heard Keith's car on in the driveway and then heard him drive away. I thought there is no way I can go all day without telling him and he would die if I told him over the phone again. So, I sent him a text and said "Come back, you forgot something here." When he walked in the front door I said, it's in the bedroom and when he walked in our room I handed him a onesie that said "9 months till the spoiling begins" and the positive test and said "I'm pregnant" and I busted out crying again. His eyes lit up so big and the smile on his face was beyond priceless! He immediately hugged me and we held each other for so long and he will deny that he cried but he sooo did and it was so cute! :) I just couldn't believe it, after trying to have a baby for 7 years and a miscarriage 2 years ago, God has given us our miracle!!!! His timing is perfect and his grace overwhelms me! I knew what God had promised me years ago, and I refused to give up because I knew He was going to show up and show out!!!! I had my beta HCG blood test this morning and the number is 332 and my progesterone is 46. Those are super awesome numbers! Makes me think there are 2 in there!!!! I have to go back for another beta HCG blood next Tuesday to make sure the number doubles.  I am 4 weeks so it is super super early but I know y'all will continue to pray with us for a healthy baby or babies and that they will grow! We will know if there is 1 or 2 on the first ultrasound. First ultrasound will probably be April 18! Thank you all so much for the prayers, encouragement, and support! It has helped us more than you know! This next chapter has just begun so continue to pray with us for our baby(ies)! I will update every time I go to the doctor! GOD IS SOOOO GOOD and He gets ALL the glory!!!!

P.S. A Special Thanks to one of my best friends, Crystal Herring, at Just the Beginning Photography for doing these pics for us yesterday!!!